Happy women’s day

Vijeta Tiwari
Mar 8, 2023

This woman’s day make your health your no.1 priority. And good health was never indicative of the numbers on the scale, it was always about how you felt mentally, physically and emotionally. So here’s a loving piece of advice to all my female friends who are at a point in their life where they have successfully met the checklist society created for them-get married and have kids at the ‘right’ age. Don’t bother if anyone cares about you or not .You owe good health to no one but yourself. In this phase of life, just do it for yourself because that is the utmost form of love and respect.



Vijeta Tiwari

Self confidence is the best make up. Take it and rock it. Mother.Wife. IT enthusiast. Travel fanatic. Obsessed with my tea. One day will travel the whole world.